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On 26th June 2024, the Geopolitical Cartographer (GC) and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) co-hosted two webinars on the topics “India-Sri Lanka Relations: An Overview” and “Bay of Bengal and Maritime Security”
“Bay of Bengal and Maritime Security” was moderated by Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja, Director, GC
The panelists were as follows:
  • Dr. Rohan Perera, Director, GC
  • Rear Admiral Jagath Ranasinghe (Retd), Director, GC
  • Pratnashree Basu, Fellow, ORF
  • Sayanthan Haldar, Research Assistant, ORF
On 26th June 2024, the Geopolitical Cartographer (GC) and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) co-hosted two webinars on the topics “India-Sri Lanka Relations: An Overview” and “Bay of Bengal and Maritime Security”
“India-Sri Lanka Relations: An Overview” was moderated by Sushant Sareen, Senior Fellow, ORF
The panelists were as follows:
  • Mrs. Chitranganee Wagiswara, Director, GC
  • Mr. Rishan de Silva, Executive Director, GC
  • Anasua Basu, Senior Fellow, Observer Research Foundation
  • Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy, Associate Fellow, ORF
On 27th July 2022, the Geopolitical Cartographer and the India Foundation hosted a webinar on the topic ‘Law of the Sea: Upholding a Rules-Based Order in the Indian Ocean’ .  The discussion was moderated by Veteran of the Indian Navy, Vice Admiral Anup Singh (Retd.)
The panelists were as follows:
  • Dr. Rohan Perera – Sri Lanka’s Former Permanent Representative to the UN, SAC Member of the Geopolitical Cartographer
  • Rear Admiral Jagath Ranasinghe (Retd.) – Former Vice Chancellor of the Kotalawela Defence University, SAC Member of the Geopolitical Cartographer
  • Dr. Aniruddha Rajput – Member of UN Law Commission, India Foundation
On 29th June 2022, the Geopolitical Cartographer and the Gateway House hosted a Webinar on the topic From Crisis Towards Recovery: Takeaways from Sri Lanka. The discussion was moderated by Former Indian Ambassador, Rajiv Bhatia. 
The participants were as follows:
  • Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja – Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), Geopolitical Cartographer, Sri Lanka
  • Amit Bhandari – Senior Fellow, Connectivity, Investment, and Energy, Gateway House, India 
  • Mrs. Chitranganee Wagiswara – Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), Geopolitical Cartographer, Sri Lanka
  • As well as background slides from Dr. R. H. Samaratunga – Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), Geopolitical Cartographer, Sri Lanka
On 5th April 2022, the Geopolitical Cartographer hosted a Webinar on the topic ‘The Russia-China Joint Statement, NATO Expansion and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis: A Discussion on the Impact on the ‘Indo-Pacific”. The discussion was moderated by Rear Admiral Jagath Ranasinghe (Retd.).
The participants were as follows:
  • Mrs. Chitranganee Wagiswara, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Geopolitical Cartographer, and Former Foreign Secretary of Sri Lanka
  • Maj. Gen. BK Sharma (Retd.), Director USI of India
  • Vice Admiral Anil Chawla (Retd.), USI of India
  • Dr. Anil Sooklal, Ambassador at Large: Asia and BRICS, South Africa
  • Dr. LOU Chunhao, Deputy Director, Institute of South Asian Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)
  • Dr. Summar Rao, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan
  • Dr. Victoria V. Panova, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia